What is The ADHD Guild?

Simpsons Steel Mill, saying, "We work hard, we play hard." Which is also a motto for the hard-working ADHD nerds in The ADHD Guild!

also a motto for the hard-working ADHD nerds in The ADHD Guild!

The ADHD Guild is a community of nerdy folks with ADHD who strive to do more, become better, and have fun while doing it. The ADHD Guild is led by two (very nerdy) professional ADHD Coaches.

We’re always amazed how much our ADHD Guild members support one another. Real friendships have sprung out of The Guild. It’s amazing to see people meet here and feel “seen”, some for the first time in their lives.

Have more questions? Check out our ADHD Guild FAQ!

We offer 3 tiers of support for folks with ADHD:

  • Apprentice 🗡: Nerdy ADHD Community Support, including all shapes, sizes, and identities, and Monthly ADHD Education.

  • Associate ⚔️: Nerdy ADHD Community Support, Monthly ADHD Education, and community Coworking.

  • Journeyman 🛡: Nerdy ADHD Community, Monthly ADHD Education, community Coworking. Also provides scaffolding and accountability via group meetings and monthly ADHD coaching. The complete ADHD Guild experience.

Compare ADHD Guild Tiers here

Are you someone who…

  • …wants to live well and work with your ADHD?

  • …is looking to learn more about ADHD and apply that to getting stuff done?

  • …hopes to connect with others with ADHD who are also having fun and getting stuff done?

Jabba the Hutt, notorious intergalactic gangster, sits on his throne-like platform, surrounded by minions and slaves, in his dark and sinister lair. (This is where Jabba says, “You’re my kind of scum.”)

“You’re my kind of scum”— another amazing adhd Nerd!

If that sounds like you, You’re our kind of scum!


I mean, you *could* keep struggling alone with your ADHD. But don't. Brittany and Colleen discuss why it is important to connect with other people who also have ADHD. We touch on aspects such as the warm and fuzzy feeling of being able to be yourself and feel accepted. We also touch on the ways that this can positively show up in the rest of your life.

The ADHD Guild is passionate about spreading awareness about this often vital aspect of ADHD support. We believe it is essential to our personal journeys to successfully understanding and working with our unique ADHD brains. We want everyone possible to have the opportunity to experience the same joy and acceptance.

ADHD Guild Testimonials

“With the help of The Guild, I’ve changed how I think about ADHD and ASD”

“It is so helpful to have other people who are struggling with the same things. I am working on it, but I feel so stupid that I can't do little things that other people can do. Not just any other people, but professional adults. There is a lot of wisdom in the group, and I really look forward to coming every week.
“With the help of The Guild, I’ve changed how I think about ADHD and ASD differently, less shame.”

“Empathy and understanding”

“The part I have appreciated the most is the empathy and understanding. I couldn't believe how generous and kind everyone was following my scheduling mistake. I feel like I belong and could be honest about my feelings and personal goals. I appreciated the reminders and everyone's patience and understanding.
“I am grateful you all started this as I am so tired after years of trying to fit in to systems that make me stressed. I am still recovering from the experience of getting my PhD, for this reason.”

“With the help of The Guild, my faith in myself has changed because I have support from others.”

“I’ve never had coaching before, and I am retroactively sad that I did not discover this amazing resource sooner!
“I really love the weekly meetings, because I’ve never had the opportunity to speak with a group of ADHD people, and share my highs and lows with other people who inherently understand them. It also makes the support from the meetings feel even more validating because the encouragement is coming from other people who have some of the same struggles I do.
“With the help of The Guild, my faith in myself has changed because I have support from others.”

“Putting my to-do list in the # daily-tasks channel is actually helping me get stuff done”

“I know I've only just joined / started doing this 3 days ago, but putting my to-do list in the # daily-tasks channel is actually helping me get stuff done-after weeks of feeling at the rock bottom of my inability of accomplish anything at work. Even sharing my to-do list in Slack channels with my colleagues never got me motivated or focused. But here it feels different? My brain!”

Have questions? Read our FAQ!