ADHD Guild Pricing

The ADHD Guild pricing tiers table: Apprentice $10, includes ADHD Discord community. Associate $30, adds Coworking Accountability. Journeyman $450, adds weekly ADHD Group Coaching, monthly 1:1 ADHD Coaching. Bills every 4 weeks. Annual Pricing Availa

Join Now:

Special: Try The ADHD Guild Coworking for $5 for the first month

Get to know our community and use our coworking/body doubling service for the lowest price we've ever offered! Sign up here or use coupon code "TRYCOWORKING" through 10/31

During this promo, get a free Coworking Jumpstart Meeting with an ADHD Coach to make the most out of your first coworking with us!

Full disclosure: After the first month, it will autobill at our regular Associate monthly rate (which is actually $30). But you're free to cancel before that or choose a different tier and/or switch to annual payments.

ADHD Guild Tiers in High Definitions!

Apprentice🗡️ Membership includes:

  • Our community ADHD Guild Discord server

  • Weekly Review livestream via YouTube for a chance to review and update your System™️

  • Monthly ADHD Education

Associate⚔️ Membership includes:

  • Our community ADHD Guild Discord server

  • Weekly Review livestream via YouTube for a chance to review and update your System™️

  • Community Coworking in ADHD Guild Discord server (Learn more about coworking)

  • Monthly ADHD Education

Journeyman🛡 Membership also includes:

  • One on one monthly ADHD coaching to get more in depth solutions to individual problems

  • A hands-on tech walkthrough run by an ADHD Guild leader when joining

  • Full access to our community Guild Discord server, including:

    • Daily goals

    • Weekly goals (for writing down the goals to talk about during the weekly Team Meetings)

    • Journeyman-only Coworking

ADHD Guild features, explained

  • Join other ADHD nerds to talk about your passions and your projects. Give support, get support, have fun, and get more done!

    Share valuable ADHD resources together.

    Share odd ADHD victories, like putting laundry away the same day you washed it, or finally making that phone call to your doctor, in our #adhd-brags channel. Or whine like a Skywalker to other ADHDers who get it in our #skywalking channel.

    Bring gratitude (and more happiness) into your life with our #Gratitude channel. This is the place for folks to express gratitude for anything and everything going well in their lives. There is a ton of research supporting the many positive benefits of expressing and nurturing gratitude in life and we want to bring that into The ADHD Guild.

  • You know how your calendar and task list can sometimes turn into such an out-of-date mess that you don’t even want to look at it? Fix it, with support!

    The Weekly Review Stream is a structured, supportive time to tell the rest of the work in your world to heck-off while you check in with your system to bring it up to date. That way, it can work for you again.

    This is a livestream on YouTube, where you can declare what you’re updating and how it’s going. Journeymen have access to engaging via Zoom and Apprentice, Associate, and the internet at large, can join in with their intentions via YouTube comments. The advantage of being a member is that we know who you are and we’re all working on it together.

    Join Brittany, Colleen, and sometimes Stephanie every week (barring scheduling conflicts) as we review our Systems™️. We look over the commitments we've made in all areas of life to ensure nothing is stale or stagnate, and that we know what we're about for the next seven days.

  • Ever wanted to ask professional ADHD coaches specific questions and get practical answers about ADHD? Now is your chance. Once a month, Brittany and/or Colleen host live events to answer your questions about how to have fun and get things done and thrive with ADHD. There's no such thing as a question too obvious or silly-- bring 'em all! Join the entire ADHD Guild for these interactive events!

    Any topic related to living and thriving with ADHD are welcome (with the understanding that either or both Colleen and Brittany may decline to engage in topics outside their are of knowledge or comfort).

    As always, we will strive to give you practical information to help you create your own ADHD Toolkit.

    Live ADHD Education are usually the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:00am Pacific, 1:00pm Eastern.

  • Productivity Buddy System. Some call it Body Doubling, CoWorking, Study-with-Me, or AccountabiliBuddies— Work sucks less when you do it with a friendly pal.

    Team up to tackle your dreaded tasks over video chat or text chat.

    This stands out from other services, because you will get to know the members of your Coworking community. They aren’t anonymous, faceless strangers. They’re your Coworking pals.

    Get support for work or other activities. Folks have used Coworking for traditional work, or for accountability to get that yoga they’ve been meaning to do in.

    (Times are subject to other members’ availability)

    Learn more about Coworking with The ADHD Guild:

  • Share victories. It’s hard with ADHD to acknowledge our successes, but saying them can increase motivation for our future selves.

    Say a lesson learned. Even lessons we will continue to learn. Looking for them in life helps us learn faster, and hearing about a lesson we’ve had to learn before can help keep those lessons fresh.

    Acknowledge the goals we’d like support and/or accountability for in the next week. Verbalizing our goals, and having other people know about them, can be a powerful tool for folks with ADHD.

    Weekly (optional) self-care challenge.

  • During ADHD Guild Team Meetings, members are invited to share their goals for the week, as well as post it in the Journeyman Weekly Goals section of the Discord server. When there are specific ways they’d like support for those goals during the week, fellow Journeymen and the Guild Leaders follow up with these requests, to the best of our ability.

    Examples of these include messages on Discord to inquire about specific goals, reacting to updates on goals with emojis or pictures of cute animals, and checking in with posting daily task lists.

  • When you need to really hash out your project with a coach, that’s what we’re here for!

    During your Journeyman membership with The Guild, you will be credited one 60 minute one-on-one coaching session with Brittany or Colleen (the selection will be made at the beginning of membership).

    This is run as their usual style and approach to ADHD coaching (see their individual websites for more info or to reach out to one to inquire further). These are available to use any time they have availability.

    We strongly recommend coaching be utilized on a regular basis for best results, but if someone has been in the Guild three months and wants to use all three sessions in one week, and their coach has availability, that is also an option.

  • When a Journeyman member signs up, we offer to schedule a meeting to walk that person through any tech situations they may be unfamiliar with or want to brush up on. We also reach out to check in a few times in the early weeks and months of a Journeyman's membership to ensure their experience is the best it can be, as well as to receive feedback on what ways we can learn and improve The ADHD Guild.

Not sure?

Schedule a 15m call with a Guild Leader to ask your questions!

Or email a question: