
Journeyman🛡 Membership includes:

Thor, Iron Man, The Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye stand in a group prepared to do battle to save their city and the planet.

A group of super heroes standing together, ready to take on whatever challenge awaits them, just like the community support of The ADHD Guild’s members.

  • Weekly Group ADHD Coaching sessions over Zoom

  • Monthly individual ADHD coaching to get more in depth solutions to individual problems

  • A hands-on tech walkthrough run by an ADHD Guild leader when joining

  • Full access to our community Guild Discord server, including:

    • Daily goals

    • Weekly goals (for writing down the goals to talk about during the weekly Journeyman Group Coaching Meetings)

  • Plus everything available in the other ADHD Guild Tiers, like:

    • Support between meetings

    • A place to enjoy and chat with your fellow nerdy ADHDers

    • Community Coworking in ADHD Guild Discord server

    • Monthly ADHD Education (Thursdays at 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern)

Journeymen Membership bills $450 every 4 weeks.

How are the ADHD Guild Journeymen different?

Support for ADHD Guild Journeymen is more comprehensive: it’s more than coaching and more than a support group. It’s structure and support. You don’t have to do this alone.

The ADHD Guild Journeymen are a collective of adults with ADHD who are designing their lives to support their— and other Guild Members’— unique ADHD brains. This is a comprehensive support system for ADHDers to get more done, led by professional ADHD Coaches.

Join the The ADHD Guild Journeymen Now

Our Journeymen ADHD Guild Armory Includes:

Luke Skywalker trains in the ways of the force by balancing Jedi Master Yoda on his foot during a handstand, in the Degobah swamp, like our ADHD Guild Journeyman members’ learn the ways of their own brains during monthly one-on-one coaching sessions

ADHD one-on-one coaching can be very much like meeting with an ancient swamp-dwelling master of The Force to figure out how you will become the hero of your own story.

Monthly 1-on-1 Coaching

  • When you need to really hash out your project with a coach, that’s what we’re here for!

Weekly Group ADHD Coaching with the Journeymen

  • Share victories and acknowledge the goals we’d like to be supported in for in the next week.

  • Gain support for following through with our goals in the following week.

  • Led by two ADHD coaches.

Better knowledge of ADHD can be your sword, shield, and armor in the fight against debilitating traits of neurodiversity.

Monthly ADHD Education

  • Monthly live conversations on living, and being productive, with ADHD— ask whatever you’d like!

Online community support

  • Post your weekly goals to our community Discord server.

  • Share your victories and celebrate with other members.

  • Share valuable ADHD resources amongst memebers.

Coworking (Productivity Buddy System)

  • Team up to tackle your dreaded tasks over video, voice, or text chat.

  • Some call it Body Doubling, CoWorking, Study-with-Me, or AccountabiliBuddies— Work sucks less when you do it with a friendly pal. Learn more about Coworking

  • (Times are subject to members’ availability)


  • Living with ADHD isn’t new to you, either. We’ve all come up with different solutions and most of us love helping others. Here we can all share what’s worked or not worked for us. We can discover more and better strategies together than we ever could alone.

Have more questions about The ADHD Guild?

Schedule a Call with us HERE!

Sometimes you can’t get a feel for something without talking to someone. As much as talking on the “phone” can sometimes suck, it’s also sometimes the best way to really get your questions answered.

What’s the difference between individual ADHD coaching and ADHD group coaching? Some folks who are searching for ADHD support aren't sure. Different folks’ ADHD needs are served by both, and we talk about what kinds of needs we strive to support. We also talk about the different specific needs we've seen be met by The ADHD Guild's community setting and why this growth in our members warms our hearts.

Have additional questions or can’t make the current ADHD Guild Journeymen Team Meeting?

Let us know by filling out the form below! There’s always a chance we’ll open another Journeymen Team Meeting that does work for you!

ADHD Guild Journeymen Testimonials

“I’ve never had coaching before, and I am retroactively sad that I did not discover this amazing resource sooner!
“I really love the weekly meetings, because I’ve never had the opportunity to speak with a group of ADHD people, and share my highs and lows with other people who inherently understand them. It also makes the support from the meetings feel even more validating because the encouragement is coming from other people who have some of the same struggles I do.
“With the help of The Guild, my faith in myself has changed because I have support from others.”

“The part I have appreciated the most is the empathy and understanding. I couldn't believe how generous and kind everyone was following my scheduling mistake. I feel like I belong and could be honest about my feelings and personal goals. I appreciated the reminders and everyone's patience and understanding.
“I am grateful you all started this as I am so tired after years of trying to fit in to systems that make me stressed. I am still recovering from the experience of getting my PhD, for this reason.”

“It is so helpful to have other people who are struggling with the same things. I am working on it, but I feel so stupid that I can't do little things that other people can do. Not just any other people, but professional adults. There is a lot of wisdom in the group, and I really look forward to coming every week.
“With the help of The Guild, I’ve changed how I think about ADHD and ASD differently, less shame.”

* ADHD Coaches are experienced at keeping on topic (or getting back to it)
* ADHD Coaches are accustomed to managing time— even with folks with ADHD
* ADHD Coaches are well-suited to listening to, finding, and interpreting, and pointing out why something is hard. Understanding why something is hard, and actually tackle it.
* ADHD Coaches (when time allows) ask clarifying questions about members’ goals to increase the chance for success
* ADHD Coaches have seen a lot of things that tend to work for folks with ADHD (and things that tend not to work)