Why join an ADHD Community run by ADHD Coaches?

What’s different about a community led by ADHD Coaches? Brittany and Colleen discuss what is different about an ADHD community run by ADHD Coaches. Then what is different about ADHD group support meetings run by two ADHD coaches. We share some of the perspectives we've gained throughout our working lives and the ways that those viewpoints and skills (we hope!) contribute to a more successful and enjoyable experience for all of our members.

ADHD coaching brings a different mindset and ability to engage different and expanded skillsets to running a community like this. We are so thrilled whenever we feel these things being utilized to positively impact the lives of our ADHD Guild community members.

  • In The ADHD Guild Discord:

    • ADHD Coached always act in the best interest of safety and work to keep it a safe space.

    • When you post about situations in discord, you can get a response from a Guild leader that comes from our experience as ADHD coaches.

    • ADHD Coaches are sensitive to parasing and wording in text conversations to reduce rejection-sensitive reactions. (It’s not possible to remove all RSD, but we can try to lessen it.)

    • The Discord is setup to try to reduce Overwhelm and support folks with ADHD

      • Try to not impulsively create ALL THE CHANNELS

      • Always open to suggestions, but we’ll always balance the whole before adding a new channel

    • Feedback with more ADHD experience (as our availability allows)

  • When you’re coached by a Guild Leader:

    • Whether in Journeyman group or 1:1, we see more of your progress and more opportunities to celebrate your achievements with you.

    • We know what other resources you have access to— coworking, daily tasks, ADHD Education Hour, etc.

    • Can use things you post to the group as a coaching item and the coach can directly interact with that


Things you didn't know were ADHD: Moments of 'I do that, too!' from the ADHD Guild


How Coworking / Body Doubling helps people with ADHD get stuff done