At its core, The ADHD Guild is a community of nerdy folks with ADHD who need to get things done without compromising their mental health or quality of life. But, also, have fun and nerd out together. Our group is incredibly positive and supportive— happy to share your latest ADHD-victory with you!
The ADHD Guild has 3 tiers, depending on how much support you’re comfortable. The Apprentice tier is focused on our ADHD Guild Discord Community. The Associate tier adds community coworking (body doubling) and monthly ADHD Education presentations on different topics relevant to our members. The Journeyman tier adds weekly ADHD Group support meetings and monthly one-on-one ADHD coaching.
The cofounders of The ADHD Guild are real ADHD Coaches Colleen Rutledge and Brittany Smith. They wanted a way to support more folks with ADHD when their coaching waitlists were full and not everyone felt ready for individual ADHD coaching. They also wanted a way for clients to feel supported in between coaching sessions. Joining Colleen and Brittany is the delightful Stephanie Antoine (also an ADHD Coach). Learn more about the leaders of The ADHD Guild
Absolutely! But it looks different depending on which ADHD Guild tier you’re on or looking to move to. Moving to or from Journeyman is a little more complicated because we use a booking system to manage it. If you’re hoping to make the change to or from Journeyman, contact us and we’ll help you make the transition.
However, folks can easily change between Associate and Apprentice through our membership service. (But feel free to contact us if you need any help with it.)
Basically, don’t be afraid to just ask us! Through a Discord DM, or email, or whatever!
Being able to connect, on any unique schedule, with likeminded, neurodiverse and nerdy people. It’s important for folks to have a safe space to come to handle the criticism and judgement the rest of the world. Learning from a wide variety of experiences, but who all share an insiders' perspective on ADHD.
Sharing struggles with others is needed for any human to thrive in the world. Connecting to other folks with ADHD who share some of your struggles is huge! But, also, we can share resources, tips, and help one another grow a little bit every day.
What’s special about The ADHD Guild Community? Honestly? Our spectacular members! But it’s also an intimate and supportive community who genuinely want to see you be your best.
What’s the value? What’s the value to you of having a supportive community who really gets you?
Watch our video talking about it! Why Connect with Other ADHD Folks? Finding an ADHD Community:
https://youtu.be/JFF6UtfZQm4 -
Above all, our Discord community space is an inclusive, chill, supportive group of people all working toward a common goal: getting more done while having fun, with ADHD. You can declare what you’re about to work on to your peers, or share what you’ve accomplished.
Whether or not you’ve been on an ADHD Discord support server before, get ready for a seriously chill, down to earth, and most particularly nerdy experience. When we discovered a lot of our members were nerds like us, we just cut loose on that. Rare is the GIF posted that is not some kind of geek reference and many, many discussions of nerd culture are had during Coworking breaks. It’s amazing the balance this community has struck of being dead serious about improving our understanding of and functioning with our ADHD, while at the same time being such a fun group to be around and connect with. The ADHD Guildhouse Discord server is a happening place.
You only need a friendly greeting and a desire to live better with your ADHD. The ADHD Guild is exactly what you make of it. If all you need out of it at first is to observe other folks with ADHD interacting, voyeur away! You can utilize all the support features we offer, or only one at a time. There are no requirements for membership, attendance, or quotas. Though if someone does choose to become a Journeyman member, we do ask that you ensure you can attend meetings. (But we also know that life happens and perfect attendance is not expected.)
Any adult who needs to understand their unique brain in order to get things done while having fun. Being nerdy is also a huge bonus in this community. If you are wondering if The ADHD Guild is for you, you’re probably right.
The ADHD Guild might be for you if:
* You have ADHD and nerd out on things
* You need support getting the work done
* You want to tell someone who gets it- what you did and how hard it actually was
* Celebrate with others and have them celebrate with you
* You want to find your people
* You want to learn more about ADHD (through chatting and ADHD Education time)
Tada! All the info you’ll need be here. All three tiers, Apprentice, Associate, and Journeyman, are detailed there. We offer a range of different ADHD support options to suit different budgets.
Although we do not permit content which is unsafe for work, membership is limited to 18 and over. Support of young adults and children with ADHD is vitally important, but it would be more appropriate to have a group specifically for younger folks, and this one isn’t.
We are vigilant for content, language, and attitudes which may harm members of vulnerable communities. Posting explicit imagery for example is not permitted in the community. However, we are all adults in The ADHD Guild so we may use the occasional grown-up word when conversing.
Not at all. The ADHD Guild is intended to serve any and all folks whose brains work a little differently than most. Colleen is diagnosed as on the Autism Spectrum in addition to ADHD, for example. All kinds of neurodiversity are welcome in The ADHD Guild. If this sounds like home, you’re probably right!
The ADHD Guild’s Journeyman tier membership bills every 4 weeks, because of the booking system used for meetings. So in order to avoid losing our minds, we opted to keep the other two tiers on the same unusual schedule. It’s one of the ways we practice what we preach in terms of ADHD management: keeping things as simple as possible in the areas we kind of suck.
Fear not, fellow ADHDer! We have many things in place to ensure every members gets the hands-on time we want to bring to the community. This includes things like number caps on meeting cohorts, features available to different membership tiers, and, of course, our own internal systems of self care and administration management. We are also always looking to take feedback and improve and encourage our ADHD Guild members to come to us with any concerns they may have at any time.
Many things, including the normalization of being ADHD, learning from others, and a sense of relaxation within community just come faster when you have more people.
* Normalize & learn what ADHD really looks like from more real examples, faster than ADHD coaching
* Have other people identify with your actual struggle
* Learn from the lessons of real people, faster than ADHD coaching
* Come to understand your own ADHD brain, and learn to stop hating it faster
* Learn from more real people with ADHD what’s working for them and have more examples of things you might try
* More accessibility- you can reach out to our Discord community at *any time*
* A sense of belonging, which everyone needs
* Can return to this safe ADHD bubble at any time
* Do a lot of these things in 1:1 coaching, but it’s slower and more expensive, because just 1 person and *you* have to bring all the topics
* You can’t bring a topic to 1:1 ADHD coaching if you don’t know that something *is* from your ADHD
We’d love to chat with you. Head on over to our scheduling page and schedule a quick appointment so we can give you answers live. And probably gush to you a little (or a lot) about how amazing our ADHD community is.
Ever wanted to ask professional ADHD coaches specific questions and get practical answers about ADHD? Now is your chance!
Once a month, Brittany and/or Colleen host live events to answer your questions about how to have fun and get things done and thrive with ADHD. There's no such thing as a question too obvious or silly-- bring 'em all! Join the entire ADHD Guild for these interactive events!
Any topic related to living and thriving with ADHD are welcome (with the understanding that either or both Colleen and Brittany may decline to engage in topics outside their are of knowledge or comfort).
As always, we will strive to give you practical information to help you create your own ADHD Toolkit.
Live Monthly ADHD Education events are usually the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:00am Pacific, 1:00pm Eastern.