Why New Tiers for The ADHD Guild? Expanding our supportive community - VIDEO

Brittany and Colleen chat about the reasons we added our expanded The ADHD Guild membership tiers. Many of those reasons relate to our fundamental goal of reaching and supporting more folks with ADHD, regardless of where they are in their ADHD journey, or their financial situation. We also talk about what are the characteristics of folks who might benefit from The ADHD Guild. Such as being nerdy and wanting to educate yourself more on what having ADHD looks like and how we can all live better with it. This is an ideal video to watch if you're looking for more information on The ADHD Guild's new offerings or making the decision as to whether joining us is for you. We try and answer questions folks might have about this new expansion of this amazing community we are building.

  • We’ve had clients who would benefit from Coworking or ADHD Education time, but didn’t feel like an ADHD coaching group was the right place for them.

  • We wanted to share our nerdy ADHD community with more folks

  • The world is financially uncertain, but ADHD still impacts our lives. We wanted more options to interact and support folks with ADHD.

  • Folks who feel a group meeting might be more exposure or commitment than they’re ready for, but who still want ADHD support and a sense of community.

  • Expand Coworking (body doubling) opportunities for members of the current ADHD Guild. (An option for ADHD coaching clients who might benefit from coworking/body doubling, but feel their other accountability is covered by coaching.)

  • We want to gather all the people with ADHD struggling to get work done alone in isolation to get support together.

The ADHD Guild might be for you if:

  • You have ADHD and nerd out on things

  • You need support getting the work done

  • You want to tell someone who gets it- what you did and how hard it actually was

  • Celebrate with others and have them celebrate with you

  • You want to find your people

  • You want to learn more about ADHD (through chatting and ADHD Education time)


Why Connect with Other ADHD Folks? Finding an ADHD Community Video


The ADHD Guild has new, expanded, ways to support your #ADHD!