Why Connect with Other ADHD Folks? Finding an ADHD Community Video

I mean, you *could* keep struggling alone with your ADHD. But don't. Brittany and Colleen discuss why it is important to connect with other people who also have ADHD. We touch on aspects such as the warm and fuzzy feeling of being able to be yourself and feel accepted. We also touch on the ways that this can positively show up in the rest of your life.

The ADHD Guild is passionate about spreading awareness about this often vital aspect of ADHD support. We believe it is essential to our personal journeys to successfully understanding and working with our unique ADHD brains. We want everyone possible to have the opportunity to experience the same joy and acceptance.

Reasons to connect with other ADHD folks:

  • To feel validated in your struggles— these things are hard and it’s nice to see and hear the proof that we aren’t the only ones struggling

  • To be more confident and comfortable with who we really are. This happens over time, by soaking in of other people who share weaknesses and strengths

  • When we examples of what strategies other people are using to support their ADHD, we are more comfortable using our own

  • To experience ambient acknowledgment and acceptance. Swim in a welcoming environment will energize you and take less energy to be around. It feels… at home.

  • There’s a reason some folks travel far to go to The ADHD Conference. But that’s once per year and something like The Guild can be every day

  • Know someone else will get it

  • It’s just fun. People with ADHD are fun! We have a great time together


Why consider Group ADHD Coaching over Individual ADHD Coaching?


Why New Tiers for The ADHD Guild? Expanding our supportive community - VIDEO